Who is this guy who calls himself "InterpretingQuotes"?

... well, let me explain to you
who and what I am!

Hi, my name is Marc!

I am a 27-year-old traveler guided by universal truth and its potential, who loves to discover the secrets of life, love & passion, and to write and speak about them,
best together with others 💛

"if you're looking for truth, you're doing right, by looking inside"

further you can read my story and the creation of my first quote:

- InterpretingQuotes


I wrote my first fantasy novel when I was 14.

I later learned the profession of radio journalist and news anchor.
Before I was 18, I had already counted over 1,000 published self-written articles, documentaries on websites and news scripts on air on the radio.

After that I unfortunately forgot my love and talent for writing for many years. A phase of "I want to be adult and become rich" kicked in, so I tried to pursue other goals like money, success and career.

Luckily in the end of 2021 I gained back, what was lost...

"I was beautiful. and then they started selling me dreams"

- InterpretingQuotes

Ex-Business Owner

I learned in the hardest way what pursuing mental goals can do to a person and how restlessness, FOMO and constant pressure destroy relationships and mental health.

Within two months I lost everything I had built up to that point. Don't get me wrong, I have always implemented my other passions in the two companies that I built and accompanied people on their self-discovery journey as a coach. But at the expense of my private relationships and true wishes for life.

It took losing what I so desperately wanted to be the right path to truly see what the right path actually is. Namely, back to my love for writing and traveling, instead of corporate responsibility and constant hecticness and restlessness. How did I overcome this? continue reading ...

"the Essential is separated from the Nonessential by a gut feeling"

- InterpretingQuotes


After my companies were gone and my relationships were shattered I questioned my life, went back to my roots and philosophized about my true desires and goals for my life.

The answers came from my gut feeling: traveling, writing, growing and developing together with other people became my codex AGAIN.

Countless hours and journal pages later, the idea of InterpretingQuotes was born. In April 2022 while I was on a long trip through Asia I created my youtube and instagram channels.

The idea was to interpret quotes that changed the world and make them approachable and liveable so that many people can truly benefit from their wisdom and inspiration. Creating a place where people can feel welcomed, protected and understood with their struggles and then grow beyond their four walls.

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